Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Design Philosophy

What motivates a fashion designer to create? Some say that designers create for either the person they want to be or the person they want to have sex with… which raises all sorts of questions about sexual orientation that we will not get into here.

I think there is another possible motivator in the mix. Designing clothing for how you want everyone else to be.

Think about it, there is a reason that the Fascists had the coolest uniforms.

Now I’m sure that if anyone actually reads this blog -and is interested in having one of these coats- I will eventually be inundated with specific requests for this particular style or that. However that is not where my vision draws me. My creative motivation is to make this coat, which is to say this is how in my little froggy brain I think everyone should look when they are tinkering.

Needless to say I don’t expect that to become a reality. I would be thrilled just to see a few posed shots.

This is my own particular delusion… my form of Fashism.

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